Speaker. Author. Mom.

Welcome to the Crazy

As a mother of six incredible children, I’ve gone through my share of momsday moments! I’ve created this space to empower other mommas going through what feels like an atomic bomb has decimated your life. A Momsday Moment is a Doomsday Attack on your motherhood. Think about movies like Contagion, The Day After Tomorrow, or World War Z. When something you think is so bizarre unexpectedly happens to you in your motherhood like childhood cancer, finding yourself in the NICU or the suicide of your teen; that is a momsday moment. These Momsday Moments change the course of your motherhood journey in the blink of an eye. You are not alone and you can PREPARE yourself now if the unthinkable happens.

Contact me

Hi I'm Keri

I’m a 6th generation Texan born and raised on a ranch and a self proclaimed wild child. I became a momma in 2004 and didn’t stop there! I’ve learned so much about motherhood in my 20 years of being called “so-and-so’s mom” including all its beauty as well as the ugly. In 2015 my number four, Super G, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. In 2017 Hurricane Harvey destroyed our home while I was 37 weeks pregnant with number six and in 2023 my sweet number five, The Tank, was struck by a one-ton truck traveling 45 mph. There are a ton of mini-momsday moments in between too! I have SURVIVED and now I’m THRIVING and YOU CAN TOO!

Meet Keri

Play Episode

The Fentanyl Crisis

Meet Amy

Play Episode

Play Episode

Momsday Bunker Podcast

She’d charge hell with a bucket of ice water! Meet Amy. She is a mom on a mission to save as many lives as she can from the fentanyl crisis and opioid overdoses. Listen to her story with caution. Visit her mission at Live4Lucy.org.

I might as well! Can’t dance, never could sing, and it's too wet to plow. Saddle up and welcome to The Momsday Bunker! In this episode you learn the origin story, a little about Keri, and a lot about what is to come! 

Do God’s will, whatever the hell it may be! Keri’s favorite city outside of Texas is New Orleans where she has had adventures as vibrant as the jazz! Learn about Narcan and how you can combat the fentanyl crisis that is attacking motherhood everyday! https://www.dea.gov/fentanylawareness

look both ways

In Keri’s memoir, Look Both Ways aka Momsday Moments, she writes about her experiences navigating through the ashes left in the wake of a momsday moment to find the beauty. Taking her motherhood back one step at a time. 

“Childhood cancer is like this. It is never satisfied with just attacking one person, but instead needs to spread its tentacles to grab onto the families too. Its goal is to destroy and kill as much of the body, mind and spirit as it can. And it does. Everyday 250 kids die of childhood cancer. That’s 9,125 children every year that die and take a little piece of their family with them. One, Two, cancer’s coming for you…. Three, four, watch the gore…. Five, six, nothing will fix…. Seven, eight, can’t look straight… nine, ten, never again. “

Preorder my book!



wanna exchange stories?

let's connect!

If you have experienced a momsday moment and would like to share your story on The Momsday Bunker, please contact me here! Telling your story gives a voice to those who can not yet use theirs.

Thank you!
I'll be in touch soon.